
Get Operator Voucher Component Detail

Request Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
GetOpVoucherComponentDetail_RQ Root element of message.
  ComponentID Element indicating component id
Agent Element representing an agent.
To specify an agent you can just provide either the ID, or the GUID. If both are provided ResLink will make a check to see if the GUID and ID match in the database and will error if they don't. If left blank will return use direct to consumer settings.
@ID (optional) The Agent ID.
@GUID (optional) The Agent GUID.


You want to retrieve component details of the operator voucher component with id 99.

Example message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<GetOpVoucherComponentDetail_RQ xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <ComponentID xmlns="ResLink">99</ComponentID>
  <Agent xmlns="ResLink" />

Response Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
GetOpVoucherComponentDetail_RS Root element of message.
OpVoucherComponentDetails Collection of Operator Voucher Component.
OpVoucherComponentDetail Element indicating an Operator Voucher Component.
  @ID The ID of the operator voucher component.
  @Description Description of the Operator Voucher Component.
  @NoBookPeriod The no book period of the Operator Voucher Component. Bookings for this Component can not be accepted within @NoBookPeriod days of the current date.
  @SupplierID The ID of the Supplier for the Operator Voucher Component.
  @SupplierName The Name of the Supplier for the Operator Voucher Component.
  @AddOn Flag that indicates if this Operator Voucher Component is an AddOn component. AddOn Components may be added to Bookings in addition to the standard components specified by the Voucher Templates.
  @Flexi Flag that indicates if this Operator Voucher Component is a Flexi Component. Flexi Components are not redeemable and are used as place holder components in Flexi Templates for Open Dated Open Ticketed vouchers.
Notes Additional product information for the Operator Voucher Component.
PackagePricingTable Collection of PriceItems for when the Component is sold as part of a package
PriceItem Element representing a single Pricing value
  @PaxCount The number of pax the price is for
  @RackRate The Rack Rate for the Operator Voucher Component.
  @Commission The Commission for the Operator Voucher Component.
  @Currency Currency Code.
StandAlonePricingTable Collection of PriceItems for when Component is sold as a stand alone product
PriceItem Element representing a single Pricing value
  @PaxCount The number of pax the price is for
  @RackRate The Rack Rate for the Operator Voucher Component.
  @Currency Currency Code.
PreReqComponents Collection of PreRequisite Components for Addons. If the collection is empty there are no prereqs for the addon.
  @ID ID of the PreReq Voucher Component.
  @Description Description of the PreReq Voucher Component.
  @VoucherType Voucher Type of the PreReq Voucher Component. Valid values are "OP" and "AC".
Images Collection of Images for the Component
Image Element representing a single Image
  @Description Text description of the Image
  @Url Url of the Image
Tags Collection of Tags for the Component
Tag Element representing a single Tag
  @Tag Tag
  @Group (optional) Tag Group
  @Category System Code from System Code Category ~TC (see GetSysCodes for more information)
Featured Element used to define if the Component is as Featured Product
  @Featured Flag to indicate if Component is a Featured Product
  @Description Featured Product text
  @Url Featured Product Image Url
ComponentType Element representing the Component Type
  @Code Component Type Code
  @Description Component Type Description
TermsAndConditions Component Terms and Conditions
BonusPoints Collection of Bonus Point objects
BonusPoints Element representing a single instance of a Bonus Points available for the current component.
Voucher Component Bonus Points are only available when Component is sold as a standalone component, for Bonus Points on Package bookings see GetPackageDetail
  @Name Name of Bonus Points
  @Description Text description of Bonus Points
  @Type Type of Bonus Points
Value Description
x Points multiplier. The total points for this component should be calculated as the standard points multiplied by the bonus points value
# Points amount. The total points for this component should be calculated as the standard points plus the bonus points value
  @Value Bonus Points Value, see @Type above for more details
  @DateFrom Start date of the Bonus Points
  @DateTo Finish date of the Bonus Points
  @Weight If there are overlapping Bonus Point items for a given date the item with the largest Weight value should be used.
Status Element indicating the return status of the transaction.
  @Code A numerical code for the status.
  @Message The message of the status.
The messages (and corresponding codes) returned are:
Code Message
0 Get Operator Voucher Component Detail request successful.
1 Invalid Operator Voucher Component ID. The operator voucher component id requested is invalid

Example message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<GetOpVoucherComponentDetail_RS xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <OpVoucherComponentDetails xmlns="ResLink">
    <OpVoucherComponentDetail ID="99" NoBookPeriod="1" SupplierID="1134" SupplierName="Cruise Whitsundays" AddOn="true" Description="Daydream Island to Abel Point and Whitsunday Coast Airport">
      <Notes>&lt;h4&gt;Product Details&lt;/h4&gt;Transfer from &lt;b&gt;Daydream Island&lt;/b&gt; to &lt;b&gt;Whitsunday Airport&lt;/b&gt; (Proserpine) via Airlie Beach</Notes>
        <PriceItem PaxCount="1" RackRate="0" Currency="AUD" />
        <PriceItem PaxCount="1" RackRate="50" Currency="AUD" />
      <PreReqComponents />
      <Images />
        <Tag Tag="airport transfer" Category="T02" />
        <Tag Tag="whitsundays" Group="australia" Category="T03" />
        <Tag Tag="transfer" Category="T02" />
      <Featured Featured="false" Description="" Url="" />
      <ComponentType Code="X" Description="Transfer" />
      <TermsAndConditions>webres terms and conditions go here</TermsAndConditions>
        <BonusPoint Name="Bonus 10" Description="10 Bonus Points" Type="#" Value="10" DateFrom="2011-01-01T00:00:00" DateTo="2011-02-01T00:00:00" Weight="5" />
        <BonusPoint Name="Double Points" Description="Double Your Points for Australia Day" Type="x" Value="2" DateFrom="2011-01-26T00:00:00" DateTo="2011-01-27T00:00:00" Weight="10" />
  <Status Code="0" xmlns="ResLink" />
  <TimeStamp xmlns="ResLink">2011-01-04T10:53:04.078125+10:00</TimeStamp>
  <Errors xmlns="ResLink" />
  <Warnings xmlns="ResLink" />