
Get SysCodes

This method retrieves the system codes from ResLink's system database, not from the specified client's database. However the SOAP header will still need to be authorised.

Request Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
GetSysCodes_RQ Root element of message.
Category A string value for what category of codes to return.
CNT = countries.
STS = states.


You want to retrieve states.

Example message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetSysCodes_RQ xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <Category xmlns="ResLink">STS</Category>

Response Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
GetSysCodes_RS Root element of message.
SysCodes Element indicating a list of system codes.
  SysCode Element indicating a system code.
  @Code System code.
  @Category Code for it's category.
  @Description Description.
  @ShortName Short name .
  @Active Boolean if active or not .
  @GUID Unique GUID .

Example message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetSysCodes_RS xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <SysCodes xmlns="ResLink">
    <SysCode Code="ACT" Category="STS" Description="Australian Capital Territory" ShortName="ACT" Active="true" GUID="STS_ACT" />
    <SysCode Code="NSW" Category="STS" Description="New South Wales" ShortName="NSW" Active="true" GUID="STS_NSW" />
    <SysCode Code="NT" Category="STS" Description="Northen Territory" ShortName="NT" Active="true" GUID="STS_NT" />
    <SysCode Code="OS" Category="STS" Description="Overseas" ShortName="O/S" Active="true" GUID="STS_OS" />
    <SysCode Code="QLD" Category="STS" Description="Queensland" ShortName="QLD" Active="true" GUID="STS_QLD" />
    <SysCode Code="SA" Category="STS" Description="South Australia" ShortName="SA" Active="true" GUID="STS_SA" />
    <SysCode Code="TAS" Category="STS" Description="Tasmania" ShortName="TAS" Active="true" GUID="STS_TAS" />
    <SysCode Code="VIC" Category="STS" Description="Victoria" ShortName="VIC" Active="true" GUID="STS_VIC" />
    <SysCode Code="WA" Category="STS" Description="Western Australia" ShortName="WA" Active="true" GUID="STS_WA" />
  <TimeStamp xmlns="ResLink">2007-11-12T15:14:12.9813552+10:00</TimeStamp>
  <Errors xmlns="ResLink" />
  <Warnings xmlns="ResLink" />