
Web Services

ResLink Services

ResLinkSatellite Services

ResLink Satellite is a service that runs on a local ProCharter instance that exposes a limited selection of functions.

SOAP Header Information

All web service requests require this SOAP header information:

  • GUID (required) - This is your ResLink user ID which will provide access to your data. If a GUID not supplied or is incorrect the web service will not continue.
  • Password (required) - If the password for your GUID is incorrect the web service will not continue.
  • ProviderGUID (optional) - If you are an agent, then this GUID identifies which provider this transaction will be accessing. If this GUID is incorrect, the web service will not continue.

If a SOAP header does not pass authentication, a SOAP header exception is thrown responding with an error message.

Example information:

ResLink SOAP Header

  <ResLinkSoapHeader xmlns="ResLink">

ResLink Satellite SOAP Header

  <ResLinkSatelliteSoapHeader xmlns="ResLink">

SOAP Response Information

All web service requests will return four items of status information:
Status - A single node used to indicate status. If Code=0 the call was successful, all other values indicate something unexpected occured
TimeStamp - The date and time of the transaction when completed.
Errors - A list of errors encountered during the processing of the service request.
Warnings - A list of warnings encountered during the processing of the service request. Typically it means that processing has continued successfully, but performance concerns or system configuration issues are addressed.

Example Information:

<Status Code="5" Description="Permission Denied" />
    <Description>BAD_GUID cannot access this web service.</Description>
<Warnings />

Warnings may look like this:

    <Description>Date range limited to 90 days. 02 Oct 2007 to 16 Oct 2007</Description>