System Description
WebRes in a Nutshell
If you are a subscriber to WebRes, Clockwork hosts a cached database copy of your
live in-house ProCharter database. Having a cache prevents various problems from
arising that will affect your system efficiency and security. Having The WebRes
cache instead of a direct link to your data has the following benefits:
Cost is minimised by having Clockwork handle and regulate all the internet traffic
to your data.
Clockwork will handle all security issues. Your database is not exposed
to the outside world.
Keeping WebRes responsive; avoiding internet lag from waiting for your site to respond.
This will keep customers happy and encourage them to keep coming back.
WebRes won't be affected by down-time if your office experiences an outage (blackout,
communication lines broken, etc).
ResLink Satellite. Keeping Data Concurrent.
For WebRes to be synchronised with your live data, you will need to have
ResLink Satellite installed. This will be handled by staff at
Clockwork. It requires you to have an internet server running IIS, so it can be
accessed regularly by ResLink to invoke a major/minor synch. This automation will
run 24/7.
Clockwork will issue you with a GUID (Global User Identification) which you will
need to provide when using ResLink web services. The GUID will:
Tell ResLink to access your WebRes data.
Provide some security.
ResLink logs every web service call and each transaction is identified by the GUID.
Each log entry stores the request and response messages and their size, success/fail
status, date/time of transaction, etc.