Retrieves Booking in ProCharter.
Element | @Attribute |
Description/Contents |
GetBookingResponse / GetBookingResult |
Root element of message. |
Booking |
Object representing a Booking |
@ID |
ProCharter Booking ID |
@Name |
Booking Name |
@FullName |
Main Passenger Name |
@Status |
Booking Status. Valid values are:
- 72 - Held
- 67 - Confirmed
- 68 - Reconfirmed
- 73 - Checked In
- 87 - Web Checked In (Local)
- 82 - Web Checked In (Remote)
@TotalPassengers |
Number of Passengers |
@Accommodation |
System Code for Accommodation (see Get Sys Codes for more information). Category Code = 'ACC' |
@AccommodationRoom |
Accommodation room number |
@ArrivalNote |
Arrival note |
@ArrivalDate |
Arrival Date. If not specified returns '0001-01-01T00:00:00' |
Address |
Object representing the Booking Address |
Run |
Object representing the Run the Booking is travelling on |
@ID |
ProCharter Run ID |
@DateFrom |
Start date/time of trip |
@DateTo |
End date/time of trip |
Resource |
Object representing the Resource the Booking is travelling on |
@ID |
ProCharter Resource ID |
@Name |
Resource Name |
@Diving |
Indicates if Resource offers Onboard Diving |
@Licenced |
Indicates if Resource is licenced (ie sells alcohol onboard) |
BookingAgent |
Object representing the Agent that the Booking was made through |
@ID |
ProCharter Agent ID |
@Name |
Agent Name |
@Contact |
Agent Contact |
MarketingFields |
Collection of MarketingField objects |
MarketingField |
Object representing a single MarketingField |
@Index |
MarketingField index |
@Value |
System Code for Marketing Field value (see Get Sys Codes for more information). Category Code details are available from Get Marketing Field Config. |
Passengers |
Collection of Passenger objects |
Passenger |
Object representing a single Passenger attached to the Booking |
@ID |
ProCharter Passenger ID |
@Index |
Passenger Index |
@FirstName |
Passenger First Name |
@LastName |
Passenger Last Name |
@FullName |
Passenger Full Name |
@NextOfKin |
Next of Kin Name |
@NextOfKinPhone |
Next of Kin contact details |
@NextOfKinRelationship |
Next of Kin relationship |
@MedicalDeclaration |
Indicates if Passenger has accepted a Medical Declaration |
BookPaxMarketingFields |
Collection of MarketingField objects |
MarketingField |
Object representing a single MarketingField |
@Index |
MarketingField index |
@Value |
System Code for Marketing Field value (see Get Sys Codes for more information). Category Code details are available from Get Marketing Field Config. |
PaxMarketingFields |
Collection of MarketingField objects |
MarketingField |
Object representing a single MarketingField |
@Index |
MarketingField index |
@Value |
System Code for Marketing Field value (see Get Sys Codes for more information). Category Code details are available from Get Marketing Field Config. |
Pickup |
Object representing the Pickup for this Passenger. Note: There is also a Pickup on the Booking object that this value overrides if specified. |
@Code |
Pickup Location Code (see Get Pickups for more information) |
@Description |
Pickup Location Description |
@PickupTime |
Pickup Time. Note: This is returned as a date/time |
Services |
Collection of Service objects |
Service |
Element that represents a Service on a Booking |
@ID |
ProCharter Service ID |
@IsMainRequest |
Indicates if the service is the primary service (ie Ticket) on the Booking |
@Quantity |
Number of items |
@Price |
Service Price |
@PriceAlreadyPaid |
Indicates the Net was paid to the Booking Agent and is not required to be paid in ProCharter |
@Commission |
Service Commission |
@CommissionAlreadyPaid |
Indicates the Commission was paid to the Booking Agent and is not required to be paid in ProCharter |
@AmountLeftToPay |
The current outstanding amount on the Service |
@AmountPaidToCompany |
Amount already receipted in ProCharter for the Service |
@AmountAfterCommission |
Net Amount (ie Price - Commission) |
@PaxID |
ProCharter ID of the Passenger the service is for |
@PaxName |
Name of the Passenger the service is for |
@Cancelled |
Indicates if the Service is Cancelled |
@CanCancel |
Indicates if the Service can be cancelled (see Cancel Service) |
Product |
Element representing the Service Product |
@Code |
Product Code |
@Description |
Product Description |
@Category |
Product Category Code |
Notes |
Collection of Note objects |
Note |
Element that represents a Note |
@ID |
ProCharter Note ID |
@User |
ProCharter Username of User who created the Note |
@DateCreated |
Creation Date |
@DueDate |
Due Date for the Note. No Due Date is returns "0001-01-01". |
@Complete |
Indicates if the Note requires following up or is Complete |
Value |
The actual text of the Note |
ClassTypes |
Collection of ClassType objects |
ClassType |
Element that represents a ClassType |
@Name |
ClassType Name |
@Quantity |
ClassType Quantity |
Pickup |
Object representing the Pickup for this Booking. Note: There is also a Pickup on each Passenger object that will override this value if specified. |
@Code |
Pickup Location Code (see Get Pickups for more information) |
@Description |
Pickup Location Description |
@PickupTime |
Pickup Time. Note: This is returned as a date/time |
<GetBookingResponse xmlns="ResLink">
<Status Code="0" Message=""/>
<Booking ID="78857" Name="Test" FullName="Test, Tim" Status="72" TotalPassengers="2" Accommodation="AHO" ArrivalDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00">
<Run ID="24028" DateFrom="2016-01-19T19:30:00" DateTo="2016-01-22T16:30:00">
<Resource ID="87" Name="Solway Lass 3d/3n" Diving="false" Licenced="true" PCCheckInDiving="false"/>
<BookingAgent ID="1" Name="Test Agent" Email=""/>
<MarketingField Index="1" Value="SLT"/>
<MarketingField Index="2" Value="NO"/>
<MarketingField Index="3" Value="CAR"/>
<MarketingField Index="4" Value="FRI"/>
<MarketingField Index="5" Value="INT"/>
<MarketingField Index="6"/>
<MarketingField Index="7" Value="YES"/>
<MarketingField Index="8" Value="NO"/>
<Passenger ID="169269" Index="1" FirstName="Tim" LastName="Test" FullName="Test, Tim" NextOfKin="tba" NextOfKinPhone="tba" NextOfKinRelationShip="tba" MedicalDeclaration="false">
<MarketingField Index="1" Value="<30"/>
<MarketingField Index="2" Value="AUS"/>
<MarketingField Index="3" Value="UNS"/>
<MarketingField Index="4" Value="LRG"/>
<MarketingField Index="1" Value="LAI"/>
<MarketingField Index="2" Value="AA"/>
<MarketingField Index="3" Value="LIM"/>
<MarketingField Index="4" Value="NO"/>
<Pickup Code="P11" Description="Adventure W/S Van Park" PickupTime="0001-01-01T07:30:00"/>
<Passenger ID="169270" Index="2" FirstName="Toni" LastName="Test" FullName="Test, Toni" NextOfKin="tba" NextOfKinPhone="tba" NextOfKinRelationShip="tba" MedicalDeclaration="false">
<MarketingField Index="1" Value="<30"/>
<MarketingField Index="2" Value="AUS"/>
<MarketingField Index="3" Value="UNS"/>
<MarketingField Index="4" Value="SM"/>
<MarketingField Index="1" Value="1al"/>
<MarketingField Index="2" Value="ASM"/>
<MarketingField Index="3" Value="SOK"/>
<MarketingField Index="4" Value="YES"/>
<Pickup PickupTime="0001-01-01T00:00:00"/>
<Service ID="408837" IsMainRequest="true" Quantity="1" Price="898" PriceAlreadyPaid="true" Commission="179.6" CommissionAlreadyPaid="true" AmountLeftToPay="0.0000" AmountPaidToCompany="0.0000" AmountAfterCommission="0.0000" ReceiptLinesTotal="0.0000" PaxID="0" Cancelled="false" CanCancel="true">
<Product Code="TBOOK" Description="Ticket" Category="TBOOK"/>
<Service ID="408838" IsMainRequest="false" Quantity="4" Price="280" PriceAlreadyPaid="false" Commission="0.0000" CommissionAlreadyPaid="false" AmountLeftToPay="180" AmountPaidToCompany="100" AmountAfterCommission="280" ReceiptLinesTotal="100" PaxID="0" Cancelled="false" CanCancel="false">
<Product Code="LFEE" Description="Local Fees" Category="RTAX"/>
<Service ID="408839" IsMainRequest="false" Quantity="4" Price="20" PriceAlreadyPaid="false" Commission="0.0000" CommissionAlreadyPaid="false" AmountLeftToPay="20" AmountPaidToCompany="0.0000" AmountAfterCommission="20" ReceiptLinesTotal="0.0000" PaxID="0" Cancelled="false" CanCancel="true">
<Product Code="TRN" Description="Luggage Storage" Category="TRN"/>
<Service ID="408840" IsMainRequest="false" Quantity="1" Price="2" PriceAlreadyPaid="false" Commission="0.0000" CommissionAlreadyPaid="false" AmountLeftToPay="0.0000" AmountPaidToCompany="2" AmountAfterCommission="2" ReceiptLinesTotal="2" PaxID="169269" PaxName="Test, Tim" Cancelled="false" CanCancel="false">
<Product Code="CCFEE" Description="Credit Card Fee" Category="MISC"/>
<Note ID="138681" User="cwc" DateCreated="2016-01-11T14:39:26" DueDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" Complete="true">
<Value>Check In Test</Value>
<Note ID="138682" User="Unknown" DateCreated="2016-01-11T16:00:46" DueDate="1899-12-30T00:00:00" Complete="true">
<Value>new note 1</Value>
<Note ID="138683" User="Unknown" DateCreated="2016-01-11T16:01:08" DueDate="1899-12-30T00:00:00" Complete="true">
<Value>new note 2</Value>
<Note ID="138684" User="Unknown" DateCreated="2016-01-11T16:01:08" DueDate="2016-01-21T00:00:00" Complete="true">
<Value>new note 4</Value>
<Note ID="138685" User="Unknown" DateCreated="2016-01-12T10:54:53" DueDate="2016-01-21T00:00:00" Complete="false">
<Value>new note 3</Value>
<ClassType Name="Cabin 10 Dbl/Twin" Quantity="1"/>
<Pickup Code="Cor" Description="Coral sea resort" PickupTime="0001-01-01T07:15:00"/>