
Get Resources

Returns a list of Resources that fit the supplied criteria

Request Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
GetResources_RQ Root element of message.
ResourceTypes (optional) Element indicating a list of resource types. If you omit resource types, all resources will be retrieved.
  ResourceType Element indicating a resource type.
  @ID The ID of the resource type.
The description of the resource type. This is ignored.


You want to retrieve all the boats that go under the tour type "Islands, Reef and Dive". It's ID is "~IR".

Example message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetResources_RQ xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <ResourceTypes xmlns="ResLink">
    <ResourceType ID="~IR" />

Response Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
GetResources_RS Root element of message.
Resources Element indicating a list of resources.
  Resource Element indicating a resource.
  @ID The ID of the resource.
  @Description The description of the resource.
  @Notes Resource notes.
  @TotalCapacity Total capacity of the resource.
  @OpenRunID The RunID to use for Open Bookings on the resource.
  @TripDuration Text description of the trip duration.
ResourceType Element indicating the resource type for the resource above.
@ID The ID of the resource type.
@Description The description of the resource type.
BoatClassTypes Element indicating a list of class types for the boat.
  BoatClassType Element indicating a boat class type.
  @ClassTypeID The ID of the class type.
  @Name The name (WebRes description) of the class type.
  @Capacity The capacity.
  @Quantity The quantity.
  @AccommodationNights Number of accommodation nights.
  PriceTypes Element indicating a list of price types for the boat class.
    PriceType Element indicating a price type.
    @ID Price type identifier (ProCharter calendar ID).
    @Name Name of the price type.
    @Description Description of the price type.
    @StartDate Date this rule begins.
    @FinishDate Date this rule ends.
    @GrossPrice Gross price for this time period.
    @Currency Currency Code
Services Element indicating a list of services that are applicable for each passenger on the resource
  Service Element indicating a service that is applicable for each passenger. Note: these services are payable on arrival at the supplier
  @ProductCode Product Code for the service
  @Description Service description
  @Price Price of the service
  @Commission Commission of the service
  @Currency Currency Code
Company Element representing the Company that owns the Resource
  @ID The ID of the Company
  @Name The Name of the Company
Images Collection of Images for the Resource
Image Element representing a single Image
  @Description Text description of the Image
  @Url Url of the Image
Tags Collection of Tags for the Resource
Tag Element representing a single Tag
  @Tag Tag
  @Group (optional) Tag Group
  @Category System Code from System Code Category ~TC (see GetSysCodes for more information)

Example message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetResources_RS xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <Resources xmlns="ResLink">
    <Resource ID="1" Description="SV Kiana" TotalCapacity="14">
      <ResourceType ID="~IR" Description="Islands, Reef and Dive" />
        <BoatClassType ClassTypeID="32" Name="Share Double" Capacity="2" Quantity="3" AccommodationNights="0">
            <PriceType ID="17" Name="July 05" Description="Every day, starting 1/07/2005 and ending 31/03/2006" StartDate="2005-07-01T00:00:00" FinishDate="2006-03-31T00:00:00" GrossPrice="499" Currency="AUD"/>
......price type list goes ad nauseum for each boat class type......
        <BoatClassType ClassTypeID="31" Name="Share Single" Capacity="1" Quantity="8" AccommodationNights="0" />
        <BoatClassType ClassTypeID="41" Name="Private Twin" Capacity="2" Quantity="2" AccommodationNights="0" />
        <Service ProductCode="LFEE" Description="Local Fees" Price="40" Currency="AUD" />
    <Resource ID="14" Description="Pacific Star" TotalCapacity="21">
      <ResourceType ID="~IR" Description="Islands, Reef and Dive" />
        <BoatClassType ClassTypeID="48" Name="Private Double" Capacity="2" Quantity="2" AccommodationNights="0" />
        <BoatClassType ClassTypeID="49" Name="Share Double" Capacity="2" Quantity="3" AccommodationNights="0" />
        <BoatClassType ClassTypeID="50" Name="Single" Capacity="1" Quantity="11" AccommodationNights="0" />
        <BoatClassType ClassTypeID="69" Name="Triple Share Single" Capacity="3" Quantity="1" AccommodationNights="0" />
        <BoatClassType ClassTypeID="68" Name="Triple Share Single" Capacity="3" Quantity="1" AccommodationNights="0" />
        <BoatClassType ClassTypeID="70" Name="Triple Share Single" Capacity="3" Quantity="1" AccommodationNights="0" />
        <Service ProductCode="LFEE" Description="Local Fees" Price="50" Currency="AUD" />
    <Resource ID="20" Description="Spank Me" TotalCapacity="26">
      <ResourceType ID="~IR" Description="Islands, Reef and Dive" />
        <BoatClassType ClassTypeID="65" Name="Single" Capacity="1" Quantity="26" AccommodationNights="0" />
        <BoatClassType ClassTypeID="64" Name="Double" Capacity="2" Quantity="8" AccommodationNights="0" />
        <Service ProductCode="LFEE" Description="Local Fees" Price="45" Currency="AUD" />
  <TimeStamp xmlns="ResLink">2007-10-03T16:41:56.3942567+10:00</TimeStamp>
  <Errors xmlns="ResLink" />
  <Warnings xmlns="ResLink" />