Get Resources
Returns a list of Resources that fit the supplied criteria
Request Profile Table
Element | @Attribute |
Description/Contents |
GetResources_RQ |
Root element of message. |
ResourceTypes (optional) |
Element indicating a list of resource types. If you omit resource types, all resources will be retrieved. |
ResourceType |
Element indicating a resource type. |
@ID |
The ID of the resource type. |
(optional) |
The description of the resource type. This is ignored. |
You want to retrieve all the boats that go under the tour type "Islands, Reef and Dive". It's ID is "~IR".
Example message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetResources_RQ xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<ResourceTypes xmlns="ResLink">
<ResourceType ID="~IR" />
Response Profile Table
Element | @Attribute |
Description/Contents |
GetResources_RS |
Root element of message. |
Resources |
Element indicating a list of resources. |
Resource |
Element indicating a resource. |
@ID |
The ID of the resource. |
@Description |
The description of the resource. |
@Notes |
Resource notes. |
@TotalCapacity |
Total capacity of the resource. |
@OpenRunID |
The RunID to use for Open Bookings on the resource. |
@TripDuration |
Text description of the trip duration. |
ResourceType |
Element indicating the resource type for the resource above. |
@ID |
The ID of the resource type. |
@Description |
The description of the resource type. |
BoatClassTypes |
Element indicating a list of class types for the boat. |
BoatClassType |
Element indicating a boat class type. |
@ClassTypeID |
The ID of the class type. |
@Name |
The name (WebRes description) of the class type. |
@Capacity |
The capacity. |
@Quantity |
The quantity. |
@AccommodationNights |
Number of accommodation nights. |
PriceTypes |
Element indicating a list of price types for the boat class. |
PriceType |
Element indicating a price type. |
@ID |
Price type identifier (ProCharter calendar ID). |
@Name |
Name of the price type. |
@Description |
Description of the price type. |
@StartDate |
Date this rule begins. |
@FinishDate |
Date this rule ends. |
@GrossPrice |
Gross price for this time period. |
@Currency |
Currency Code |
Services |
Element indicating a list of services that are applicable for each passenger on the resource |
Service |
Element indicating a service that is applicable for each passenger. Note: these services are payable on arrival at the supplier |
@ProductCode |
Product Code for the service |
@Description |
Service description |
@Price |
Price of the service |
@Commission |
Commission of the service |
@Currency |
Currency Code |
Company |
Element representing the Company that owns the Resource |
@ID |
The ID of the Company |
@Name |
The Name of the Company |
Images |
Collection of Images for the Resource |
Image |
Element representing a single Image |
@Description |
Text description of the Image |
@Url |
Url of the Image |
Tags |
Collection of Tags for the Resource |
Tag |
Element representing a single Tag |
@Tag |
Tag |
@Group |
(optional) Tag Group |
@Category |
System Code from System Code Category ~TC (see
GetSysCodes for more information) |
Example message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetResources_RS xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Resources xmlns="ResLink">
<Resource ID="1" Description="SV Kiana" TotalCapacity="14">
<ResourceType ID="~IR" Description="Islands, Reef and Dive" />
<BoatClassType ClassTypeID="32" Name="Share Double" Capacity="2" Quantity="3" AccommodationNights="0">
<PriceType ID="17" Name="July 05" Description="Every day, starting 1/07/2005 and ending 31/03/2006" StartDate="2005-07-01T00:00:00" FinishDate="2006-03-31T00:00:00" GrossPrice="499" Currency="AUD"/>
......price type list goes ad nauseum for each boat class type......
<BoatClassType ClassTypeID="31" Name="Share Single" Capacity="1" Quantity="8" AccommodationNights="0" />
<BoatClassType ClassTypeID="41" Name="Private Twin" Capacity="2" Quantity="2" AccommodationNights="0" />
<Service ProductCode="LFEE" Description="Local Fees" Price="40" Currency="AUD" />
<Resource ID="14" Description="Pacific Star" TotalCapacity="21">
<ResourceType ID="~IR" Description="Islands, Reef and Dive" />
<BoatClassType ClassTypeID="48" Name="Private Double" Capacity="2" Quantity="2" AccommodationNights="0" />
<BoatClassType ClassTypeID="49" Name="Share Double" Capacity="2" Quantity="3" AccommodationNights="0" />
<BoatClassType ClassTypeID="50" Name="Single" Capacity="1" Quantity="11" AccommodationNights="0" />
<BoatClassType ClassTypeID="69" Name="Triple Share Single" Capacity="3" Quantity="1" AccommodationNights="0" />
<BoatClassType ClassTypeID="68" Name="Triple Share Single" Capacity="3" Quantity="1" AccommodationNights="0" />
<BoatClassType ClassTypeID="70" Name="Triple Share Single" Capacity="3" Quantity="1" AccommodationNights="0" />
<Service ProductCode="LFEE" Description="Local Fees" Price="50" Currency="AUD" />
<Resource ID="20" Description="Spank Me" TotalCapacity="26">
<ResourceType ID="~IR" Description="Islands, Reef and Dive" />
<BoatClassType ClassTypeID="65" Name="Single" Capacity="1" Quantity="26" AccommodationNights="0" />
<BoatClassType ClassTypeID="64" Name="Double" Capacity="2" Quantity="8" AccommodationNights="0" />
<Service ProductCode="LFEE" Description="Local Fees" Price="45" Currency="AUD" />
<TimeStamp xmlns="ResLink">2007-10-03T16:41:56.3942567+10:00</TimeStamp>
<Errors xmlns="ResLink" />
<Warnings xmlns="ResLink" />