
Add Service

Adds a Service to a booking in ProCharter.

Request Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
AddService / AddServiceRequest Root element of message.
BookingID ProCharter Booking ID of the booking to add Services to
PassengerID (optional) ProCharter Passenger ID to add Service to, specify '0' if not tied to a specific passenger
ProductCode Product Code for the Service (see Get Product List | Get Dive Product List for available Products)
Quantity Number of Products to add for the Service
Note Service Note

You want to add 2x Luggage Storage (Product Code = 'TRN') to a Booking.

Example message:

<AddService> <AddServiceRequest> <BookingID>78857</BookingID> <PassengerID>0</PassengerID> <ProductCode>TRN</ProductCode> <Quantity>2</Quantity> <Note>Test</Note> </AddServiceRequest> </AddService>

Response Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
AddServiceResponse / AddServiceResult Root element of message.
Success Indicates if the Service was added successfully
Service Element that represents a Service on a Booking
@ID ProCharter Service ID
@IsMainRequest Indicates if the service is the primary service (ie Ticket) on the Booking
@Quantity Number of items
@Price Service Price
@PriceAlreadyPaid Indicates the Net was paid to the Booking Agent and is not required to be paid in ProCharter
@Commission Service Commission
@CommissionAlreadyPaid Indicates the Commission was paid to the Booking Agent and is not required to be paid in ProCharter
@AmountLeftToPay The current outstanding amount on the Service
@AmountPaidToCompany Amount already receipted in ProCharter for the Service
@AmountAfterCommission Net Amount (ie Price - Commission)
@PaxID ProCharter ID of the Passenger the service is for
@PaxName Name of the Passenger the service is for
@Cancelled Indicates if the Service is Cancelled
@CanCancel Indicates if the Service can be cancelled (see Cancel Service)
Product Element representing the Service Product
@Code Product Code
@Description Product Description
@Category Product Category Code

Example message:

<AddServiceResponse xmlns="ResLink"> <AddServiceResult> <TimeStamp>2016-01-12T11:30:08.363791+10:00</TimeStamp> <Status Code="0" Message=""/> <Errors/> <Warnings/> <Success>true</Success> <Service ID="408841" IsMainRequest="false" Quantity="2" Price="10" PriceAlreadyPaid="false" Commission="0.0000" CommissionAlreadyPaid="false" AmountLeftToPay="10" AmountPaidToCompany="0.0000" AmountAfterCommission="10" ReceiptLinesTotal="0.0000" PaxID="169269" PaxName="Test" Cancelled="false" CanCancel="true"> <Product Code="TRN" Description="Luggage Storage" Category="TRN"/> </Service> </AddServiceResult> </AddServiceResponse>