
Hold Availability

Request Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
HoldAvailability_RQ Root element of message.
BookingAgent Element representing the booking agent
To specify an agent you can just provide either the ID, or the GUID. If both are provided ResLink will make a check to see if the GUID and ID match in the database and will error out if they don't.
  ID ID of the booking agent.
  GUID GUID identifier for booking agent.
RunID ID of the Run to hold availability on.
Name Reference name for the hold
ClassTypes Element containing a list of booking class types.
  HoldClassType Element representing a booking class type.
  @ClassTypeID Class type ID.
  @Quantity Number of class types being used. Eg. for a room with two single beds, PaxCount would be 2, and Quantity would be 2. For a room with a single and a double (Total Capacity of 3) and three people staying in that room, PaxCount would be 3, and Quantity would be 1.


You want to hold 1 spot on Run ID 9257 for John Doe using a test agent.

Example message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<HoldAvailability_RQ xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <BookingAgent xmlns="ResLink">
  <RunID xmlns="ResLink">9257</RunID>
  <Name xmlns="ResLink">John Doe Hold</Name>
  <ClassTypes xmlns="ResLink">
    <HoldClassType ClassTypeID="32" Quantity="1" />

Response Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
HoldAvailability_RS Root element of message.
HoldID The WebRes Hold ID (needed to use or cancel the Hold).
ExpiryDateUTC The date/time the Hold will expire (in UTC time)

Example message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<HoldAvailability_RS xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <ID xmlns="ResLink">WR6699</ID>
  <Status Code="0" Message="Booking successful." xmlns="ResLink" />
  <HoldID xmlns="ResLink">10</HoldID>
  <ExpiryDateUTC xmlns="ResLink">2014-08-20T05:53:11.6351068+00:00</ExpiryDateUTC>
  <TimeStamp xmlns="ResLink"> 2014-08-20T14:53:11.6351068+10:00</TimeStamp>
  <Errors xmlns="ResLink" />
  <Warnings xmlns="ResLink" />