Cancel Tour Booking
Request Profile Table
Element | @Attribute |
Description/Contents |
CancelTourBooking_RQ |
Root element of message. |
WebResBookingID |
WebRes Booking ID of the booking to cancel. |
Reason |
Message to indicate why the booking was cancelled. |
You want to cancel Booking WR1666.
Example message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CancelTourBooking_RQ xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Reason>Testing BookingService.CancelTourBooking function</Reason>
Response Profile Table
Element | @Attribute |
Description/Contents |
CancelTourBooking_RS |
Root element of message. |
Success |
Indicates if the booking was successfully cancelled. |
PenaltyAmount |
Cancellation penalty amount |
PenaltyCommission |
Cancellation penalty commission amount |
Example message:
<CancelTourBooking_RS xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Status Code="4" Message="'WR1666' cannot be cancelled" />
<Errors />
<Warnings />