Get Resource Types
Returns a list of available Resource Types.
Request Profile Table
Element | @Attribute |
Description/Contents |
GetResourceTypes_RQ |
Root element of message. |
(no parameters) |
You want to retrieve all the resource types.
Example message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetResourceTypes_RQ xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" />
Response Profile Table
Element | @Attribute |
Description/Contents |
GetResourceTypes_RS |
Root element of message. |
ResourcesTypes |
Element indicating a list of resources types. |
ResourceType |
Element indicating a resource type. |
@ID |
The ID of the resource type. |
@Description |
The description of the resource type. |
Example message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetResourceTypes_RS xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<ResourceTypes xmlns="ResLink">
<ResourceType ID="~CC" Description="Classic Cruising" />
<ResourceType ID="~IR" Description="Islands, Reef and Dive" />
<ResourceType ID="~LS" Description="Learn to Sail" />
<ResourceType ID="~PF" Description="Performance & Fun" />
<ResourceType ID="~PM" Description="Prosail Maxi" />
<ResourceType ID="~SD" Description="Sail & Dive" />
<ResourceType ID="~SS" Description="Sailing in Style" />
<ResourceType ID="~TA" Description="Tallship Adventures" />
</ResourceTypes><TimeStamp xmlns="ResLink">2007-10-03T16:19:36.1529432+10:00</TimeStamp>
<Errors xmlns="ResLink" />
<Warnings xmlns="ResLink" />