Get Availability Basic
Returns availability for trips that fit the specified request criteria
Request Profile Table
Element | @Attribute |
Description/Contents |
GetAvailability_RQ |
Root element of message. |
Agent |
Element indicating an agent.
To specify an agent you can just provide either the ID, or the GUID. If both are provided ResLink will make a check to see if the GUID and ID match in the database and will error if they don't. |
@ID (optional) |
The agent ID to set up commissions and costs. |
@GUID (optional) |
The agent GUID to set up commissions and costs. |
RunID (optional) |
The run you want to check availability against. If this is zero the method will check availability against whatever is listed according to ResourceID. |
ResourceID (optional) |
The boat you want to check availability against. If this is zero the method will check availability against whatever is listed in resource types. |
NumberOfPassengers (optional) |
Restrict to the number of passengers that can be booked. Leaving at zero will get availability regardless of how many passengers. |
PackageClassTypesOnly |
When true, only package class types will be shown. When false, all class types will be returned. |
DateFrom |
Availability from this date. |
DateTo |
Availability until this date. |
ResLinkClassType (optional) |
Restrict to availability for a specific ResLinkClassType |
You want to know when "SV Kiana" (resource ID of 1) is available between 03/10/2007 and 10/10/2007.
Example message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetAvailabilityBasic_RQ xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Agent ID="1645" GUID="PALACE_PACKAGES" / >
<RunID xmlns="ResLink">0</RunID>
<ResourceID xmlns="ResLink">1</ResourceID>
<DateFrom xmlns="ResLink">2007-10-03T00:00:00</DateFrom>
<DateTo xmlns="ResLink">2007-10-10T00:00:00</DateTo>
<NumberOfPassengers xmlns="ResLink">0</NumberOfPassengers>
<PackageClassTypesOnly xmlns="ResLink">false</PackageClassTypesOnly>
Response Profile Table
Element | @Attribute |
Description/Contents |
GetAvailability_RS |
Root element of message. |
Availabilities |
Element indicating a list of availability runs. |
AvailabilityBasic |
Element indicating an availability run. |
@ID |
The ID of the run. |
@AvailablePax |
Number of passengers that can be booked. |
@DateStart |
Start of the run. |
@DateEnd |
End of the run. |
@CanBook |
Indicates if the run can be booked. |
RunClassTypes |
Element indicating a list of class types for the run. |
RunClassType |
Element indicating the class type of the run. A class type can be a type of room. |
@ClassTypeID |
The ID of the class type. |
@AvailableCount |
Number of passengers that this class type can have. |
@RackRate |
Not used. |
@NetRate |
Not used. |
@Description |
Description of the class type. |
@Currency |
Not used. |
@IsStandyByRate |
Not used. |
@OriginalRackRate |
Not used. |
@NetRate |
Not used. |
@AccommodationNights |
Number of accommodation nights. |
Capacity |
Element indicating the capacity of the class type. |
@Min |
Minimum the class type can hold. |
@Max |
Maximum the class type can hold. |
Rates |
Collection of Rate elements |
Rate |
Element representing a Rate for a specified number of pax |
@Quantity |
Not used. |
@RackRate |
Not used. |
@NetRate |
Not used. |
@Currency |
Not used. |
@IsStandyByRate |
Not used. |
@OriginalRackRate |
Not used. |
@NetRate |
Not used. |
Example message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<GetAvailabilityBasic_RS xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Availabilities xmlns="ResLink">
<AvailabilityBasic ID="11445" AvailablePax="8" DateStart="2008-09-26T08:30:00" DateEnd="2008-09-28T16:00:00" CanBook="true">
<RunClassType ClassTypeID="183" AvailableCount="0" RackRate="0" NetRate="0" Description="Private Double" GUID="" Currency="" IsStandbyRate="false" OriginalRackRate="0" OriginalNetRate="0" AccommodationNights="0">
<Capacity Min="1" Max="2">br />
<Rates />
<RunClassType ClassTypeID="41" AvailableCount="0" RackRate="0" NetRate="0" Description="Private Twin" GUID="" Currency="" IsStandbyRate="false" OriginalRackRate="0" OriginalNetRate="0" AccommodationNights="0">
<Capacity Min="1" Max="2">br />
<Rates />
<RunClassType ClassTypeID="32" AvailableCount="2" RackRate="0" NetRate="0" Description="Share Double" GUID="" Currency="" IsStandbyRate="false" OriginalRackRate="0" OriginalNetRate="0" AccommodationNights="0">
<Capacity Min="1" Max="2">br />
<Rates />
<RunClassType ClassTypeID="31" AvailableCount="4" RackRate="0" NetRate="0" Description="Share Single" GUID="" Currency="" IsStandbyRate="false" OriginalRackRate="0" OriginalNetRate="0" AccommodationNights="0">
<Capacity Min="1" Max="1">br />
<Status Code="0" xmlns="ResLink" />
<TimeStamp xmlns="ResLink">2008-09-26T12:22:30.0277394+10:00</TimeStamp>
<Errors xmlns="ResLink" />
<Warnings xmlns="ResLink" />