
Get Availability Basic

Returns availability for trips that fit the specified request criteria

Request Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
GetAvailability_RQ Root element of message.
Agent Element indicating an agent.
To specify an agent you can just provide either the ID, or the GUID. If both are provided ResLink will make a check to see if the GUID and ID match in the database and will error if they don't.
@ID (optional) The agent ID to set up commissions and costs.
@GUID (optional) The agent GUID to set up commissions and costs.
RunID (optional) The run you want to check availability against. If this is zero the method will check availability against whatever is listed according to ResourceID.
ResourceID (optional) The boat you want to check availability against. If this is zero the method will check availability against whatever is listed in resource types.
NumberOfPassengers (optional) Restrict to the number of passengers that can be booked. Leaving at zero will get availability regardless of how many passengers.
PackageClassTypesOnly When true, only package class types will be shown. When false, all class types will be returned.
DateFrom Availability from this date.
DateTo Availability until this date.
ResLinkClassType (optional) Restrict to availability for a specific ResLinkClassType


You want to know when "SV Kiana" (resource ID of 1) is available between 03/10/2007 and 10/10/2007.

Example message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetAvailabilityBasic_RQ xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <Agent ID="1645" GUID="PALACE_PACKAGES" / >
  <RunID xmlns="ResLink">0</RunID>
  <ResourceID xmlns="ResLink">1</ResourceID>
  <DateFrom xmlns="ResLink">2007-10-03T00:00:00</DateFrom>
  <DateTo xmlns="ResLink">2007-10-10T00:00:00</DateTo>
  <NumberOfPassengers xmlns="ResLink">0</NumberOfPassengers>
  <PackageClassTypesOnly xmlns="ResLink">false</PackageClassTypesOnly>

Response Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
GetAvailability_RS Root element of message.
Availabilities Element indicating a list of availability runs.
  AvailabilityBasic Element indicating an availability run.
  @ID The ID of the run.
  @AvailablePax Number of passengers that can be booked.
  @DateStart Start of the run.
  @DateEnd End of the run.
  @CanBook Indicates if the run can be booked.
  RunClassTypes Element indicating a list of class types for the run.
  RunClassType Element indicating the class type of the run. A class type can be a type of room.
  @ClassTypeID The ID of the class type.
  @AvailableCount Number of passengers that this class type can have.
  @RackRate Not used.
  @NetRate Not used.
  @Description Description of the class type.
  @Currency Not used.
  @IsStandyByRate Not used.
  @OriginalRackRate Not used.
  @NetRate Not used.
  @AccommodationNights Number of accommodation nights.
Capacity Element indicating the capacity of the class type.
  @Min Minimum the class type can hold.
  @Max Maximum the class type can hold.
  Rates Collection of Rate elements
    Rate Element representing a Rate for a specified number of pax
    @Quantity Not used.
    @RackRate Not used.
    @NetRate Not used.
    @Currency Not used.
    @IsStandyByRate Not used.
    @OriginalRackRate Not used.
    @NetRate Not used.

Example message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<GetAvailabilityBasic_RS xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <Availabilities xmlns="ResLink">
    <AvailabilityBasic ID="11445" AvailablePax="8" DateStart="2008-09-26T08:30:00" DateEnd="2008-09-28T16:00:00" CanBook="true">
        <RunClassType ClassTypeID="183" AvailableCount="0" RackRate="0" NetRate="0" Description="Private Double" GUID="" Currency="" IsStandbyRate="false" OriginalRackRate="0" OriginalNetRate="0" AccommodationNights="0">
          <Capacity Min="1" Max="2">br />             <Rates />
        <RunClassType ClassTypeID="41" AvailableCount="0" RackRate="0" NetRate="0" Description="Private Twin" GUID="" Currency="" IsStandbyRate="false" OriginalRackRate="0" OriginalNetRate="0" AccommodationNights="0">
          <Capacity Min="1" Max="2">br />             <Rates />
        <RunClassType ClassTypeID="32" AvailableCount="2" RackRate="0" NetRate="0" Description="Share Double" GUID="" Currency="" IsStandbyRate="false" OriginalRackRate="0" OriginalNetRate="0" AccommodationNights="0">
          <Capacity Min="1" Max="2">br />             <Rates />
        <RunClassType ClassTypeID="31" AvailableCount="4" RackRate="0" NetRate="0" Description="Share Single" GUID="" Currency="" IsStandbyRate="false" OriginalRackRate="0" OriginalNetRate="0" AccommodationNights="0">
          <Capacity Min="1" Max="1">br />             <Rates/>
  <Status Code="0" xmlns="ResLink" />
  <TimeStamp xmlns="ResLink">2008-09-26T12:22:30.0277394+10:00</TimeStamp>
  <Errors xmlns="ResLink" />
  <Warnings xmlns="ResLink" />