
Make Property Booking

Request Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
MakePropertyBooking_RQ Root element of message.
BookingAgent (optional) Element representing a booking agent. Leave empty to make a direct booking.
To specify an agent you can just provide either the ID, or the GUID. If both are provided ResLink will make a check to see if the GUID and ID match in the database and will error out if they don't.
  ID ID of the booking agent.
  GUID GUID identifier for booking agent.
  Contact Contact name.
  Email Email address.
  Phone Phone number.
  OtherRef Booking Agent Reference.
  OtherRef2 Second Booking Agent Reference.
SellingAgent (optional) Element representing a selling agent.
To specify an agent you can just provide either the ID, or the GUID. If both are provided ResLink will make a check to see if the GUID and ID match in the database and will error out if they don't.
  ID ID of the selling agent.
  GUID GUID identifier for selling agent.
Booking Element indicating the booking.
  Name Booking name.
  Email Contact email address for booking.
  Phone Contact phone for booking.
  MemberID (optional) ID of the Member to allocate this booking to
SupplierID ID of the supplier (ie property) for the booking
RoomRequests Collection of RoomRequest objects
RoomRequest Object representing a single request for a Room reservation
  @ArrivalDate Date of arrival
  @Nights Number of nights
  @PackageID (optional) Id of the Package if an Accommodation Package
RoomRequestDetails Collection of RoomRequestDetail objects
RoomRequestDetail Object representing the detail for a single part of the Room reservation (each RoomType in the request requires it's own RoomRequestDetail)
  @Guests Total Number of Guests
  @Quantity Total Number of Rooms
  @RoomTypeId ID of the RoomType
RoomRequestDates Collection of RoomRequestDate objects
RoomRequestDate Object representing a single Date of a RoomRequest
  @Date Date of stay
  @Price Price for Date
  @Commission Commission value for Date
  @Currency Currency code of Price/Commission
  @AppliedPointsMultiplier Points multiplier used for Date (for Member bookings only)
PaxList Element representing a list of passengers.
  Pax Element representing a passenger.
    Firstname First name.
    LastName Last name.
    Email Email address.
    Phone Phone number.
    Country_GUID Passenger's country as identified by ProCharter System Code GUID
    State_GUID Passenger's state as identified by ProCharter System Code GUID
    Comments Comments.
    OtherRef Passenger Agent Reference.
    OtherRef2 Passenger Second Agent Reference.
Element representing a list of marketing fields for the passenger. See GetMarketingFields for how to retrieve marketing fields.
      MarketingField Element representing a marketing field.
      @Type Can be either "Pax", or "BookPax".
      @Index Unique index for the field type.
      @Name Description of the field - this can be left blank.
      @Value Value of the marketing field.
Element indicating a list of marketing fields for the booking.
  MarketingField Element indicating a marketing field.
  @Type Use "Booking".
  @Index Unique index for the field type.
  @Name Description of the field - this can be left blank.
  @Value Value of the marketing field.
Notes (optional) Element representing a list of notes.
  string Element representing a note string value.
Receipts Element representing a list of Receipts
Receipt Element representing a payment receipt.
  Total Payment total.
  Commission The portion of the Total amount that was the Commission passed on to the Agent automatically as part of a transaction.
  TransactionFee The portion of the Total amount that is the Transaction fee.
  FTR Financial Transaction Record - Payment reference
  Currency Currency code of receipt
The 2 character ProCharter PaymentType code for the payment. If omitted the default payment type will be used.
MakeTestBooking Create a test booking. Set to true to create a WebRes booking; the status will automatically be set to cancelled.
SendConfirmationEmail Flag to send a confirmation email from ProCharter when the booking has been created. Default is True.


Example message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <MakePropertyBooking_RQ xmlns="ResLink">   <BookingAgent>     <ID />     <GUID>TEST</GUID>     <Contact>Test Contact</Contact>     <Email></Email>     <Phone>0738898240</Phone>     <OtherRef>REF001</OtherRef>     <OtherRef2>ABC123</OtherRef2>   </BookingAgent>   <SellingAgent>     <ID />     <GUID />   </SellingAgent>   <Booking>     <Name>Timmy Test</Name>     <Email></Email>     <Phone />     <MemberID />   </Booking>   <SupplierID>100</SupplierID>   <RoomRequests>     <RoomRequest PackageId="" Nights="1" ArrivalDate="2013-03-01T00:00:00">       <RoomRequestDetails>         <RoomRequestDetail RoomTypeId="8SH" Quantity="1" Guests="1">           <RoomRequestDates>             <RoomRequestDate Date="2013-03-01T00:00:00" Price="30" Commission="3" Currency="AUD" AppliedPointsMultiplier="0" />           </RoomRequestDates>         </RoomRequestDetail>       </RoomRequestDetails>     </RoomRequest>   </RoomRequests>   <PaxList>     <Pax>       <FirstName>Timmy</FirstName>       <LastName>Test</LastName>       <Email></Email>       <Phone />       <Country_GUID />       <State_GUID />       <Comments>This is a test booking</Comments>       <OtherRef />       <OtherRef2 />     </Pax>   </PaxList>   <MarketingFields />   <Notes />   <Receipts>     <Receipt>       <Total>30</Total>       <Commission>3</Commission>       <TransactionFee>0</TransactionFee>       <FTR>13245678</FTR>       <Currency>AUD</Currency>       <PaymentType />     </Receipt>   </Receipts>   <MakeTestBooking>true</MakeTestBooking>   <SendConfirmationEmail>true</SendConfirmationEmail> </MakePropertyBooking_RQ>

Response Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
MakePropertyBooking_RS Root element of message
ID ID of the created booking
CalculatedPrice The calculated price of the booking
CalculatedCommission The calculated commission of the booking

Example message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <MakePropertyBooking_RS xmlns="ResLink">     <ID>10001</ID>   <CalculatedPrice>30</CalculatedPrice>   <CalculatedCommission>3</CalculatedCommission>   <Status Code="0" />   <TimeStamp>2013-02-22T15:39:41.7291488+10:00</TimeStamp>   <Errors />   <Warnings /> </MakePropertyBooking_RS>